Every student can learn, just not on the same day, or the same way. -- George Evans

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Biophysical Needs

o Sufficient HVAC units for proper cooling and heating needs
o Adjustable vents in classroom spaces for air flow control
o Energy efficient systems and ducting to promote green technologies and to save on school’s electricity bill

Fire Safety
o Automatic Sprinkler emergency systems
o Automatic alarms and notification devices according to code requirements
o Notification alarms that state the emergency and therefore do not blink rapidly or screech loudly. Some students will be sensitive to pulsing light and sound, so the emergency notification system must consider their special needs.
o Adequate exits for easy removal of all students in a timely fashion.
o 5’ exit corridors to accommodate any support equipment student’s need.

o Enough lighting to meet minimum visibility requirements
o All lighting should be on automatic switches to promote energy efficiencies and cost savings
o All lighting in classroom spaces should offer dimming capabilities to meet specific student’s needs or activity needs
o Layers of lighting from natural light, to overhead light to task light should be offered to meet comfort requirements for students.
o Natural light should be incorporated as the main light source in spaces

o Plumbing fixtures and access ways to bathrooms need to be ADA accessible
o Sinks and toilets should be automatic.
o Plumbing fixtures should be low flow to reduce water consumption
o Shower spaces need to be ADA accessible and roll in for medical purposes
o Fixtures should be smaller in lower school classrooms to suit children’s size.

o Multiple outlets should be offered in classrooms to suit teacher’s needs
o Outlets should have a protective cover to prevent accidental electrocution
o School should have a back up energy system in the case of emergency
o Solar photovoltaic panels will be used to promote energy savings and help the school be self sufficient
o All computers need to be plugged into surge protectors
o All outlets in wet areas need to be ground fault outlets
o All appliances should be Energy Star

o All doors should have buzzers so that only those inside can let another person on the premises. This mechanism will default in the event of a fire or other emergency
o Once access is approved, doors should be automatic to allow easy entry
o The entire site should be gated
o A PA/ Intercom systems needs to be piped into all classrooms to ensure mass communication
o Alarm systems need to be installed

o Washer and dryers should be Energy Star rated and enclosed
o The small kiln in the art room needs to be gated for security and safety purposes
o Exterior exhaust fan will be needed for small kiln

Building Systems
o All exterior glazing should be Low e glass and offer a tint to help with glare reduction
o The roof will be half covered in a native sod to reduce heat absorption on the roof and prevent water runoff
o A rainwater collection system will also be on the roof to assist with watering and flushing needs

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