Every student can learn, just not on the same day, or the same way. -- George Evans

Saturday, March 20, 2010

ADA Playground focus concept

Playgrounds play an important role in how children learn to interact with their environment, peers, and the obstacles they face. Playground play is a huge part of most people’s childhood memories. Special needs students should not be limited in this area of growth and development. This is why for my focus, I have chosen to design the component structure and assembly of an ADA playground that fits the 7 benefits of inclusive design set forth by the National Center for Boudless Playgrounds.

The seven benefits are:
1. Be Fair
2. Be Included
3. Be Smart
4. Be independent
5. Be safe
6. Be Active
7. Be Comfotable

All activites in the playground system will be accessible for students of all ages and abilities. The space will use ramping, transfer decks, and harbor decks to make the elevated play systems easily accessible and comfortable for disabled students. A variety of ground level play peices, activites for 2-5 year olds, and activites for 5-12 year olds will make the playground a fun space to actively tackle new challenges and recieve therapy in a non clinical way. Outdoor games and cirriculum based play equipment will be used to further the lessons learned in the classrooms. Cushion outdoor flooring will be used to protect the safety of the students from falls and exterior shading and landscaping will be used to keep the park cool in the hot summer months.

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