Every student can learn, just not on the same day, or the same way. -- George Evans

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Sacred Space focus concept

Faith. That is what gets these students, parents, therapists, and friends through everyday. They believe they are special and will achieve all their goals. They believe their child can succeed despite a populous that doesn’t agree. They believe they can help these students see a better more successful way of life. They believe in a world that does not judge the disability but rather sees the ability. Faith is what carries them through the hard times and rejoices with them in times of triumph. Faith is also what heals the hurt caused by thoughtless others and the frustrations experienced everyday.

These students have a deep bond with God and love on a level much like their creator. Therefore, a space that is devoted to this faith, healing, hoping, and grieving is important to these students and their support systems. This chapel space is to be a welcoming, inspiring, and uplifting environment. Through the use of natural light, shadow, and transistive space will make the chapel a naturally stimulating and inspiring space. The vibrantly simple stained glass will create a joyful space through its colored lights and a way to translate the gospel stories in a basic way. Warm toned materials and and a soft acousic environment will create a safe harbor of refuge and peace for the weary. This chapel will be a focal point of the school, located on its center axis and a source of pride and peace for all its users. The goal of the space is to bring its members closer to their Savior and demonstrate His powerful grace and love in all of life’s struggles and achievements. With this space, the community can begin to heal their deep wounds and start anew as a becon to the power of faith in these childrens’ lives and the lives they touch.

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